At Akamai Gunite Pools Plus most of our ponds and water features are built with ferrocement and can be formed into almost any shape or size.
Ferrocement is a super reinforced
concrete. It differs from
conventional concrete in that there
is a higher ratio of steel to cement
mortar. By altering the
cement/steel ratio to make
ferrocement we actually produce a
material which exhibits properties
superior to either steel or cement.
Ferrocement has many of the
properties of steel and yet it will not rust. Further, although it looks and feels like concrete it can flex without cracking, a good choice for the Big Island where earthquakes are not uncommon!
FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL 808-430-4356 or email us at
FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL 808-430-4356 or email us at
Ferrocement house under construction